Bird in a Bush

Bird in a Bush, Corydalis Solida
Bird in a Bush, Corydalis Solida

This delicate little flower was half hidden not too far from the flamboyant trillium and would easily have been missed had I not decided to wander about the tiny garden a bit before continuing on my walk. Although not originally from North America, I hope that perhaps the hummingbirds who are beginning to appear now might benefit from any early nectar this produces so early in the Spring. It is a perfect shaped flower for it, if only the bees haven’t stolen it by biting a hole in the base! This plant, also known as Fumewart, is related to the poppy family and also is a distant relative to the bleeding heart plant which it reminded me of when I saw it. Its root has been used in treatments for fibromyalgia. (Do not try this at home, remember this is not a medical blog.) Have a lovely Monday all! A flower a Day #247 

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4 Responses

  1. I’m sure I must have seen this plant locally. I recognize the leaves which are everywhere at the edges of our trails, but the flowers don’t seem to have appeared yet. I wonder if that is even possible since these are ephemerals. I will look more closely on my next walk because this flower certainly bears admiration. Thank you, Ellie, for this personal challenge.

    1. Oh! I look forward to hearing if you find those flowers. As you say, you will have to be quick! I hope you do find some. They are not the most striking of blooms, but it’s always interesting seeing new flowers. Isn’t it fascinating that bees bite the ends off to get the nectar out? But what a pity for the hummingbirds.

  2. Thanks again for sharing Ellie it must have been a lovely surprise to find that little beauty hiding. It does remind you of bleeding heart. Nice to get these unexpected finds. Thanks again for sharing Hope you have a lovely day

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