

I remember very well where I was when I took this Flower a Day photograph! That isn’t always the case as many of them are dating from a good few weeks or even months back. This was growing in the garden of a house very near our favourite Halifax vegan restaurant, where we were headed to pick up a take-out meal (no indoor dining, of course, during Covid). It was really windy and I had a lot of difficulty in getting the flowers in focus using this wonderful vintage Helios 44-2 lens which is manual focus. No sooner would I get the shot ready than the flowers would be blown into a soft blur! I perservered and here we have the begonia flowers, brilliant red memories of a summer past. The meal was eaten in the car, which was not exactly my idea of a dinner out, but at least it was delicious and filling. I hope this splash of summer colour will brighten the chill days for those whose winter is upon them and the late spring for our friends down under.

The Flower a Day Gallery with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post and additional throwback post image there are now 103 to view. Click or tap to view full size.

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4 Responses

  1. A rush of red, a cascade of crimson…it’s as warming to look at it as sitting by the fire. Mission accomplished, Ellie. Good work. Thank you.

    1. Mission accomplished?! Excellent! That warms my heart, thank you Janet. Have a lovely day. If it snows where you are (as it is supposed to here) may it be that lovely soft gentle kind that seems somehow warm!

  2. Good morning Ellie. One of the beautiful bright flowers to welcome our day. Love the amazing colour and you can see the veins in the petals. Even the stems have a lovely colour to them. Thanks for sharing.

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