Aquilegia Seedpods

Aquilegia Seedpod
Aquilegia Seedpod

Today’s flower is not so much a flower as it is a seedpod grouping from the Aquilegia or Columbine flower. I love these flowers, but there were none left when I began this project and this seed pod appealed to me with its colour and textures. And don’t worry. I won’t deprive you of a flower after all….

Deadly Nightshade flower
Deadly Nightshade flower

Because everyone wants a flower too, here are the flowers for you today. They are from the nightshade plant, and were hiding in the blackberries I was picking a couple of weeks ago. Deadly nightshade they may be, but the flowers are lovely and unusual, almost like little jester hats and they deserve a place in my flower a day postings. Wishing everyone a good week ahead.

The Flower a Day Gallery with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. There are now 11 to view. Click or tap to view full size.

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9 Responses

  1. Good pairing, Ellie – the flower that was and the flower that still is. The past, the seedpods, representing symbolically the future of the other, the delicate deadly nightshade. I think there’s a poem in there somewhere.

  2. I love both photos, and I agree so much with you about the special texture of the seedpods, it’s really appealing.
    And I’m happy you have so much blue/purple flowers in your garden and around your house, I love this colour!!

    1. I’m so glad you like them, Banafshe.The seedpods one was one of the photos that I have liked the most but wasn’t sure of the appeal to those wanting to see only flowers. And the colour of those hidden flowers does come as such a lovely surprise when you are picking blackberries for the winter. You are right. We do have lots of those colours around.
      xo (PS I now have a new heart – like – button for posts and comments. I hope it works.)

      1. It’s true that we always wait to see your flower photos, but I’m sure everybody is agree with me when I say the other ones are just as perfect and interesting as your flower collection.
        (I’m glad we can give a heart here too!! =) )

  3. I knew this flower for its medical virtues and have had it in homeopathy! I did not have any idea how it could look! It is beautiful!

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