Apple Blossom

Apple Blossom
Apple Blossom in the Round

And now for something completely different for A Flower a Day! Yes, it’s a flower, but it comes from my archives and is not taken with my vintage lens, but with our fisheye lens, a few years ago. I feel as if this image has caught the spring, with its wonderful growth and promise and kept it safely in a globe. Perhaps if we shake the globe it will be like a snow storm of apple blossom petals? Now that I have shaken everyone with this radical change in photograph (it’s still a flower though…) I hope that your day has more happy surprises in store for you.

The Flower a Day Gallery with current content is below. Each day a new photo will be added. With today’s post and additional throwback post image there are now 108 to view. Click or tap to view full size.

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4 Responses

  1. Is it a globe as an apple tree? Or an apple tree as the globe? It’s a conundrum..but one thing is sure, the essence of spring, the apple blossom, is up front and centre. And as we turn the corner from the days growing shorter to them starting to get longer, it can only mean one thing – Spring is on its way! It’s a sign of hope and a happy reminder that the seasons are still changing and the flowers will bloom again. Thank you, Ellie, for that.

  2. Quite a surprise but a pleasant one. Does look like one of those globes that you could shake and all the little petals in the background would start to fall. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I’m glad you see this photograph like I do, Linda! And I’m also glad you liked the surprise and didn’t mind the change from the usual. Thanks for the comment.

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