After Our First Snowshoe Walk

We got each other snowshoes for our wedding anniversary presents this year and today was the first day we were able to go for a walk in them. It was snowing hard, it was -12 C (10 F) so was a bit warmer than yesterday, but with a very strong wind. Several people asked to see pics of us in our snowshoes and to hear how it went, so here is the one Steven took of me. Mine of him will come on another day.

Easy to walk in, really good exercise, so we didn’t really notice the cold and felt positively warm by the time we got home. We walked on the path that goes through the woods in the nature trail and through some fields and eventually back up along the road for a short distance. The snowshoes were amazingly comfortable and light. They didn’t slip on the icy road and even worked well in the deep snow. A great success!
(They are MSR made in the USA – Lightning models, which does not describe the speed at which we were walking, in case you wondered :D)
+Ursula Klepper – I know you wanted to know how they worked out.

Reshared post from +Steven Kennard

Ellie in Snowshoes

31 Responses

  1. That is such a lovely thing to write, Sofie. And it is true. We have been married for (as you know) over 32 years, have usually worked together and basically do everything together. Mind you, he is a pretty special and very kind person, so he puts up with me being sometimes a bit cranky… 
    And the snowshoes are comfortable, you are right. As well as awesome. 😀
    +Sofie Løve Forsberg 

  2. You and Steven should absolutely post more photos of each other! Both this one and the one of Steven are great. So happy you are in each others compagny – it warms my heart so much to see! And actually those snowsnoes look both awesome and comfortable 🙂

  3. I think they get it pretty cold up North. Probably not too happy with -30 C. With a wind. Actually at -20 I do think it's cold. Especially with a wind. But we have to dress for it. It was pretty cold that day of that picture, which is why I am wearing a hat and a hood, and scarf. The snow pants are just to stop snow getting into my jeans and down into my boots. It's rare that I wear a hat. 

  4. It's cold +Heiko Mahr – but it is Canada. And today it's quite warm. Only about -6 or so. Wait. One of my apps says -4, the other says -1.It's not too bad, in any case, just snowing like mad.
    I was brought up in Montreal. We used to walk to school (with bare legs) in temperatures of -20. When it was not Centigrade, but Fahrenheit. 😀

  5. I think we got about 10-15 cms that day and now we are getting another 20 cms today, along with high winds, so it will be more of a mess +Heiko Mahr. But the temperatures are warming up to about -3 during the day, so that is better than -18 C which has hung around for a few days!
    I will be posting Steven's snowshoe pic (taken yesterday) a bit later. The trouble is that as the snow gets deeper it's hard to see the snowshoes as they sit a bit below the surface.

  6. +Jo A. Alderman – it was fun trying them out. It's a little bit harder than just plain walking, but good exercise and at least you don't risk slipping on the ice and you can get out in the snow.

    +Ursula Klepper – thanks a lot. We do usually have quite a bit of snow, but often it will melt between, or at least have times where it is warmer and we get some rain that then freezes. Then, when it snows on top, it is treacherous to walk with just your boots on. My brother cracked his head on the ice yesterday (in Finland) for that very reason. I am so much looking forward to the walking through the winter. 😀
    +Diana Boyd – thanks!

    Thanks so much +Sharon Willson – I will!

    Not sure how much you get in Kentucky, but it is just the first snowfall of the year, so will get deeper +Shawn R 

    +Martin Harvey – not much snow in Niagara on the Lake? I didn't think there was that much difference… I know they don't get much in Toronto, but when I lived in Ontario we got a fair bit (it was near Ottawa though.)

    +ROMAN FLORES GARCIA ¡Muchas gracias! Espero tener suficiente nieve para poder salir a menudo el uso de estas raquetas de nieve.

    Thanks a lot +Sumit Sen – I was feeling pleased with myself, for sure!

  7. Ellie you look great!! very lovely portrait! +Steven Kennard !!  thank you for tagging me! I am a little bit jealous you got this snow, Bernd says you always have lot of snow in winter (he once visited a friend in Dalhousie New Brunswick) I am so glad you had a good time with your snowshoes! :o) so up to lots of wonderful walks!! Hugs ♥

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